Tuesday 24 November 2015

Target Audience


  • Age will be 15-30 year olds. Having a relatively young audience, but not too young so as to expose young children to violence and potentially break BBFC rules, allows us to delve into a target audience that on the whole watches more thrillers and horror movies than any other age bracket. This will result in our thriller being exposed to as many different people as possible.


  • There will be no intentional gender specific orientation in our thriller, and it is a movie that can be fully viewed by any gender. Immediately this expands our potential viewer range to a broader more diverse audience.

Audience Background

Again, there will be no specific identification of any particular or individual memeber of society, meaning that this movie can be viewed by people of any race, gender, country (providing the viewer can afford to pay to buy or view the film.) However, if you were to judge which demographics our thriller appeals to the most according to demographic ratings, then the selected ratings would be C2 (Skilled working class), D (Working class) and E (Casual/lowest grade workers). These demographic categories typically consist of younger people, who due to being unskilled workers because of their age will have more leisure time, and therefore will have more time in which to watch films and to share their eperiences on various media platforms with other people in similar positions.

Audience interests

Preferably, our audience will be one that has a vested interest in media platforms (television, social media), and we feel that it is likely our target audience age group (15-30) will meet this criteria. This specific age group is most frequently active on social media, meaning they will be a suitable age group to share their film experience to other people in the same age group.


Our thrillers psychographic targeting will be towards the group 'Explorers'. This group is one filled with people constantly seeking new experiences and challenges, a group that usually consists of younger people due to being more likely to be unemployed and having more leisure time available. This specfic group values adventure, excitement and energetic activities, all of which are commonly present in thriller films such as ours. As this group is also willing to explore various new brands and markets, they will hopefully be drawn to our thriller, which will be debuting in the film industry and should be unique enough to attract the attention of thrillseekers in both this specific Psychographic and potentially others.

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