Tuesday 24 November 2015


For our sound, we hope to include both diegetic and non-diegetic sound, varying in order to create suspense and tension throughout our opening thriller. In the opening non-diegetic sound such as soundbites from news reports may be played alongside a music track or alone. This will help to develop our contextual evidence, and give the audience a greater understanding of the type of thriller opening they are watching. Only the sound will be present during these clips, with no images other than the shots in our own thriller. This forces the audience to focus on the sound, and to understand its importance.

An example of this and how we would display this in our own thriller is from the video game, The Last of Us.


The setting of the story takes place in a post apocalyptic world which is riddled with people who caught a virus and turn into zombies. Key information such as why the events are happening, when and how they have affected people are all mentioned in the opening, meaning the audience receives all the key information needed without any images. Through this, an inability to physically see these events, with the audience at this time only being able to watch silent foreboding images from our thriller as the tracks are being played means that this will increase tension in our thriller.

Not only does this provide more key information, but it also creates a series of enigmas for the audience to attempt to solve throughout the thriller opening, meaning the audience have to actively engage and concentrate on the shots played in order to try and understand what is happening and why. This use of enigmas is common in many thrillers, especially mystery thrillers such as our own. As well as the montage of news report soundbites, a non-copyrighted free to use track will be present, with the lyrics hoepfully matching with the shots on screen, which will expand the atmospheric feel and tension throughout our thriller.

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