Thursday 19 November 2015

Poll Everywhere results - Thriller Typography

We asked people to take part in voting for which font they liked the most and felt would be the most appropriate for our thriller typography. Below are the six different style of fonts to choose from:


 We have  chosen between a hand written look and a handcrafted font. The handwritten look follows the typical stereotype of a male having poor handwritten and leaves it looking distorted and eligible. This creates ideas of the character perhaps being undereducated, connoting a lack of an ideal background/past which could connote why he carries out/commits the acts he does. Furthermore, the eligible and scratchy font makes it seem eerie and similar to that of the Se7en trailer which also created many enigmas about the character. The handcrafted look is similar to that of a ransom note found in movies, which suggests a psycho and deranged nature and follows previous conventions.

The results of the poll are as follows:

The results of the poll are as follows: Our results showed that PW Scratchy was the most popular font with 99%. LineScratch placed second. PW Scratchy would be most appropriate and fits our aim for the titles and the plot. We like 99% LineScrath, as compared to the other handwritten styles it seems that a significant amount of the letters were difficult to decipher. Also they would be harder to apply to a wide variety of different backgrounds because it wasn't bold or clear enough. PW Scratchy is the most appropriate as it is practical and can be applied in most situations.

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