Friday 16 October 2015

What makes effective sound in a thriller?

Synchronous - goes with action

Asynchronous - goes against action

Diegetic - Hear in the action

Non-diegetic - edited in post-production

What do you notice about the sounds? Sharp short sounds signify fast paced action sequences. How does it make you feel? Wary of potential threats/danger. What sort of instruments are used? Orchestral, Violin. Staccato.

Not necessarily fast pace, however action is unfolding. Guitar, piano. Developed, slowly played, gradually building up sound.

Crescendo - Music gets louder.

Equilibrium -

Ambient sound so as to isolate the viewer, surround them with one sound.

Contrast between pleasant sounding music and action occurring on screen creates effect. (Asynchronous sound effectively used.)

What makes a good thriller soundtrack?

  • Crescendo with the climax (gets louder).
  • Always in a minor key.
  • Strings (often high pitched).
  • Percussive heart beat sound (usually in the bass).
  • Nursery rhyme themes work well for the creepy factor.
  • No lyrics.
  • Creates a sense of enigma (mystery and suspense).

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