Tuesday 13 October 2015

BBFC and the thriller genre.

What do the BBFC do?

The British Board of Film Classification is an independent body that classifies and rates cinema films. Originated in 1912, non-government body, no government subsidies. Non-profit organisation.

Regulate and rate cinema, video etc.

What powers do they have?

The ability to change a film's rating at short notice.

Ability to demand cuts in sections of films, can completely reject films. Ignoring BBFC can result in prosecution.

BBFC guidelines cover:
  • Context
  • Theme
  • Tone and impact
  • Discrimination
  • Drugs
  • Imitable behaviour
  • Language
  • Nudity
  • Sex
  • Threat
  • Violence

  • Thriller name: No Country for Old Men.

  • What BBFC rating did it get? 15 

  • What content made the thriller get this rating? Strong bloody violence.

  • What classification areas apply to the film? How/why?

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