Monday 19 October 2015

Vox Pops

What makes a Vox Pop?

  • Vox Pop is interviewing a member of public.
  • Indirect address.
  • Side on camera angle
  • Addressing reporter or interviewer not camera directly.
  • Shows background, usually on street.
  • Used to gain opinion on specific issue.

Conventions of a Vox Pop

  • 'Vox Populi' - 'Voice of the people', 'Man on the street'.
  •  Background information.
  • Name and basic information to provide context. (Age, job etc.)
  • A relatively relaxed setting.
  • Interviewer not visible.
  • Jump cuts, straight cuts, no transitions.
  • Title of question provided beforehand so we don't need to continue asking the question.
  • Rotation of people answering, short, quick answers.
  • Out of focus backing.

  • What are your key conventions/features of a thriller.

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