Monday 5 October 2015

Preliminary Evaluation

In this task, we had to film a sequence of walking to a room, opening a door before walking into the room and sitting down. This would be followed by conversation and dialogue of sorts. Our main focus was to achieve continuity and to establish the 180 degree rule.

Initially our task was difficult due to being unable to find continuity in some of our shots, however this issue was solved through the use of fade in and out transitions.

To establish tension and suspense, close up shots combined with over the shoulder shots allows the viewer to understand our facial expressions more clearly. Whereas in the beginning, the opening shot is a long shot in order to establish position and place, with facial expressions and body language not being the key focus at this point. Little dialogue was put in place in order to maintain this dramatic tension. Due to the type of the opening two shots (handheld), we found it difficult to keep the camera shots still and not shaky as no tripod was used in this filming.

In the exchange of the card from character to another, continuity was particularly different as the shot changed mid-exchange. Multiple shots were taken making sure the exact body and hand placement matched that of the initial shot.

From this task, I have learned how to sufficiently establish continuity and the 180 degree rule in filming, and I now have a better understanding of how to analyse these processes in films. Additionally, I learned the basics of editing movies through the iMovie program, knowledge I will be able to transfer to more advanced editing for my final production. This will likely result in a greater standard of filming in my final production as I now have a more coherent understanding of film analysis than before I had completed this task.

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